Mohan Yang
About me

Hi there, my name is Mohan Yang. I am a researcher, instructional designer, UX designer, and educator. Currently I'm a PhD candidate in Learning Design and Technology (LDT) program at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN. I was born and raised in a small village in China, where farming is how my parents support our family and that was what I had been doing after school before leaving my village. One important lesson I learned from farming is that, only through sowing good seeds and weeding frequently can one have a good harvest the following year, which has been the attitude I hold for life.
Being a good researcher that helps the world run better through changing learning, teaching, and design practice has been my professional goal. I have been doing research in performance improvement, transfer of learning/training, online learning, experiential learning, authentic learning, and attitudinal learning.
This portfolio covers my experience in research, teaching, design, and service. Please view my CV by clicking on the button below: